Some publications
Tremblay M (2021) Uncertainty is the Human Condition, Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting, forthcoming Summer 2021.
Tremblay M (2020) Medical Errors in the Age of the Intelligent Machine, Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting, 58(Summer): 27-35
Colbaugh R, Glass K, Rudolf C, Tremblay M (2018) Robust ensemble learning to identify rare disease patients from electronic health records. IEEE preprint January. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19677.92645
Houben E, Bakker M, Colbaugh R, Glass K, Rudolf C, Tremblay M, Herings RM (2018) Prediction model for identifying patients with lipodystrophy in electronic health records, Value in Health, 21:S375.
Tremblay M (2017) Building worldly insights: healthcare challenges in post-conflict countries and in small/island countries, Healthc Manage Forum. Jul;30(4):200-206.
Coward M, Crombie A, Joy M, Ream E, Tremblay M, Wilson P. (2016) Main Report: Primary care strategic workforce planning programme. University of Kent, University of Surrey for Health Education England Kent, Surrey, Sussex, UK.
Workforce Foresight Delphi Study: Technical Report for the Primary care strategic workforce planning programme. University of Kent for Health Education England Kent, Surrey, Sussex, UK, 2016.
Medicines counterfeiting is a complex problem: a review of key challenges across the supply chain, Curr Drug Saf. 2013, 8(1):43-55. (est’d 30 citations)
Hudson M, Tremblay M (2012) Life science strategy for Malta, Government of Malta.
Liberating information: understanding the disruptive potential. Submission to the UK Department of Health, on ‘Liberating the NHS: An Information Revolution’ 2011.
Council of Europe, (2007) Recommendation (2007)212 on e-health and democracy in the regions: Health for democratic participation and social inclusion in the regions, adopted by the Council of Europe Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, 27 September 2007. Advisor and author
Hutton J, McGrath C, Frybourg J-M, Tremblay M, Bramley-Harker E, Henshall C (2006) Framework for describing and classifying decision-making systems using technology assessment to determine the reimbursement of health technologies (fourth hurdle systems), International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 22(1):10-18. (est’d 131 citations)
Tremblay M, (2006) Finding common ground: policy imperatives for Europe, in Peter Pitts (ed) Coincidence or crisis: prescription medicine counterfeiting, Stockholm Network. (est’d 1 citation)
Nolte J, Tremblay M (2005) Enhancing interdisciplinary collaboration in primary health care in Canada, Conference Board of Canada. (est’d 66 citations)
Tremblay M, Guy S (2004) Releasing value: the knowledge value chain, Pharmaceutical Marketing 16(3)26-28.
Council of Europe (2004) Recommendation (2004)17 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the impact of information technologies on health care – the patient and Internet. Adopted by the Committee of Ministers, Council of Europe, 15 December 2004. Advisor and lead author
Exploding health care myths – the real threats to public health, British Journal of Healthcare Management 1999, 5(3):89-91.
The patient’s experience of care, in M Thick (ed.), Telemedicine: risks and opportunities, Round Table Series 41, Royal Society of Medicine, UK, 1995.
Of confidence and identity: the doctor in management, in The new face of the NHS, Peter Spurgeon (ed.), Longman. 2Nd edition 1998. (est’d 3 citations)
Balancing accountability and authority: the new governance, British Journal of Healthcare Management 1996, 2(12): 669-673.