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Dr Mike Tremblay PhD

My background is in healthcare, with a focus on decision making, including on the use of technology in healthcare.

My Masters work focused on applications of mathematical logic to reasoning in the absence of discrete choices (boundary logic). My doctoral work examined the role and purpose of universities as knowledge organisations. I added applied psychology to my doctoral work to better understand how we frame our strategic objectives, the models we build to capture our objectives and the measures we use to assess success.

Brief Bio

Currently co-founder of Artower Innovation Solutions, to apply AI to predict exacerbations in a patient’s condition using digital data from real time vital signs monitoring, prescribing and test results and environmental (weather) data.

I have international experience. Mmachine learning and artificial intelligence is a key component of how we deliver healthcare. I have experience in development of solutions that demonstrate how it will transform patient experience of care and clinical workflow. Clients have included: governments, intergovernmental agencies, European Commission , Council of Europe, pharmaceutical and device companies, information technology companies, academic health science centres and vertical/horizontal integrated service providers.

  • Entrepreneurial ventures

I have been a co-founder of a number of startups in healthcare and life sciences. My focus has always been to ensure that these businesses had integrity to address compelling and important challenges. This is in addition to my establishing Cassis Limited, as a specialist health and life sciences consultancy.

  1. Founding director and chief scientific officer at Volv Global SA, Switzerland. This is an artificial intelligence startup with a focus on machine learning and artificial intelligence for healthcare and life sciences applications. I left the company when it was acquired.
  2. Founding director, Eden Communications, UK, and Living Health. With colleagues, I launched the world’s first digital and interactive health TV channel, “Living Health”. The channel received a number of awards for innovation. We also developed the first “health seeking behaviour”, and health consumer patient segmentation framework based on these behaviours.
  3. Director, Sultan Scientific, Malta. This was a life sciences investment advisory focused on research commercialisation and investment development focused on expanding the economic impact of the life sciences sector and create a new pillar of the economy, and to help launch a science park.
  4. Founding Director, Access Excellence, UK. The company explored new approaches to national procurement of generic medicines.

I also have experience as a board member of non-profits and charities and leading hospital governance for board member development.

  • Hamilton Health Sciences academic health science centre and McMaster University

Direct hospital experience began as head of a department focused on improving the quality of clinical services at a major academic health sciences centre at McMaster University in Canada. My work supported clinical leaders, hospital management and worked with all hospital departments (clinical and support) to enhance clinical outcomes and optimise resource utilisation. Challenges ranged from acute pain management to reducing clinical accidents.

The work here was important to my understanding of clinical workflow and patient experience, as well as having the opportunity to work with a wide range of high performing health professionals.

  • Research Fellow at the University of Kent and Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham, UK

I currently hold a research fellowship at the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK with a focus on health services research. I hold a doctorate from the University of Toronto, where I specialised in public policy and applied psychology.

Extensive contract research has been undertaken for a variety of clients. As a Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, I undertook research on health policy decision making and priority setting, hospital strategy and management and leadership. I was involved in many of the developments as the UK’s NHS implemented the internal market and managed competition and conducted hospital performance assessments. I advised the European Commission and the Council of Europe as well as many governments.

At Birmingham, I held leadership roles as Associate Dean of Medicine, Deputy Director Public Service MBA, Director Masters in Health Quality Management (quantitative methods / operational research).

Prior to that, as a director at Hamilton Health Sciences academic health science centre, I tutored in the Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University: “health policy”, “epidemiology” and “quality of work life” and worked to apply research findings to solve critical problems in clinical workflow.